Lettuce sea slug
Elysia crispata
Mörch, 1863
St. Eustatius, The Cliff, 10-06-2015 (source: Marion Haarsma)
Saltwater. Molluscs (Sap-Sucking Slugs). Large and colourful species of sea
slug, green in colour. It always has a very frilly edge to
its parapodia. (Resembles a nudibranch slug, but does belong to the closely
related clade Sacoglossa, the 'sap-sucking' sea slugs.)
To be confused with
- Eastern emerald elysia Elysia chlorotica.
Size: 2 to 5 cm.
Colour: Variable in color: greenish, but it can also be blue, or very pale with red lines or yellow lines.
Shape: Large seaslug and it always has a very frilly edge to its parapodia.
Habitat environment and ecology
Inhabits coral reefs. Crawls over the bottom looking for food, probably feeds on algue.
Distribution range
BES-eilanden: St. Eustatius, Bonaire.
[Marion Haarsma, dec. 2013]
- Humann, P. (2001). Reef Creature Identification: Florida, Caribbean,
Bahamas Author: Paul Humann, Publisher: New World Publications Pages: 4.