Redtail Parrotfish
Sparisoma chrysopterum
(Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
Saltwaterfish. Parrotfishes. Occurs in coral reefs and adjacent habitats, the young especially in seagrass beds.
To be confused with
- Stoplight Parrotfish Sparisoma viride
- Redband Parrotfish Sparisoma aurofrenatum
Size: 35 to 40 cm, max 46 cm.
Colour: Females in the initial phase (IP) have a tan background color with mottled patterns and can quickly change colors to match their surroundings. Their anal, dorsal, and pelvic fins are an orange-red colour. They have a dark blotch at the base of their pectoral fin and a light saddle-shaped area on top of the base of their caudal fin. A key to identification is the crescent-shaped wide dark red band on the base of their crescent-shaped caudal fin. Males in the terminal phase (TP) are similar in colour but with a turquoise belly.
Shape: Elongated robust bodies and are more aerodynamic than most other Parrotfish. They do not have traditional parrot-like teeth
Habitat environment and ecology
Inhabits coral reefs. To be found in coral reef and
seagrass environments at depths up to 65 feet. They forage during the
day, feeding on benthic algae, corals, and seagrass. Hermaphrodites that live in harems with a dominant male. They are not
territorial and live in harmony with other species.
Distribution range
BES-eilanden: St. Eustatius.
[Marion Haarsma, march 2016]
- DeLoach, N., & Humann, P. (2002). Reef Fish Identification -
Florida Caribbean Bahamas - 3th Edition. New World Publications,