Grooved-Blade Sea Whip
Pterogorgia guadalupensis
Duchassaing & Michelin, 1846
Saltwater. Gorgonians. Colonies heavily branched, more or less in single
planes; colonies up to 60 cm in height. Branches long, flexible, quite
flat and wide, tapering somewhat from the base to the end. Polyps extend
from a groove that runs along the thin edges.
To be confused with
- Angular Sea Whip Pterogorgia anceps
Size: 15 to 60 cm.
Colour: Branches olive to gray, occasionally light purple; polyps white to cream.
Shape: Colonies heavily branched, more or less in single planes; colonies up to 60 cm in height. Branches long, flexible, quite flat and wide, tapering somewhat from the base to the end. Polyps extend from a groove that runs along the thin edges.
Habitat environment and ecology
Inhabits coral reefs. Inhabit a wide range of inshore environments, from
back reef areas of sand and rubble to patch reefs of moderate depth.
Distribution range
BES-eilanden: St. Eustatius.
[Marion Haarsma, march 2016]
- Humann, P., & DeLoach, N. (2002). Reef Creature Identification:
Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas (p. 420). Jacksonville (FL): New World