Split-Crown Feather Duster
Anamobaea orstedii
Krøyer, 1856
Bristle worm. Saltwater. Feather Duster Worms. This feather duster has
two semi-circular crowns of radioles forming a single crown, split in
the middle.
To be confused with
- Red-Spotted Horseshoe Worm Protula sp.
- Star Horseshoe Worm Pomatostegus stellatus.
Size: 2 to 5 cm, whole animal up to 6 cm, crown up to 5 cm.
Colour: Variable, usually shades of brown, maroon, violet or orange-brown. Both halves are a mirror image of each other. Often with light tan or white spots and bands.
Shape: Two semi-circular crowns of radioles forming a single crown, split in the middle. The parchment-like tube where the worm-like part of the animal resides is usually hidden.
Habitat environment and ecology
Inhabits reefs. This feather duster lives on the reefs and surrounding
areas. It is usually solitary or in small groups, where the animals are
all different in colour or patterns. Depth: ranges from 6 m down to 25
Distribution range
BES-eilanden: St. Eustatius.
[Marion Haarsma, march 2016]
- Humann, P., & DeLoach, N. (2002). Reef Creature Identification:
Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas (p. 420). Jacksonville (FL): New World