Red Hind
Epinephelus guttatus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Saltwater fish. Groupers. Found alone, on shallow reefs, drifting about,
feeding wherever it can. It spends all day resting or swimming slowly,
only to become active at dusk and dawn to look for food, mostly fish,
squid, crabs and shrimp. It hides in holes and ambushes its prey,
lunging at it, then seizes it with its sharp teeth. The prey is then
sucked in and swallowed whole.
To be confused with
- Graysby Cephalopholis cruentata
- Coney Cephalopholis fulva
- Rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis
(Lack of black margins)
Size: 30-60 cm.
Colour: Reddish-brown spots over a pale olive-to-white background. Lower
body is paler and the dots are redder. Dark bands at the end of fins and
tail. Yellow edges on dorsal fin. It adjusts colouration to the
Habitat environment and ecology
Inhabits coral reefs. It spends all day resting or swimming slowly, only
to become active at dusk and dawn to look for food, mostly fish, squid,
crabs and shrimp. It hides in holes and ambushes its prey, lunging at
it, then seizes it with its sharp teeth. The prey is then sucked in and
swallowed whole.
Distribution range
BES-eilanden: St. Eustatius.
[Marion Haarsma, may 2016]; [Mickey Boasson, 2015]
- DeLoach, N., & Humann, P. (2002). Reef Fish Identification -
Florida Caribbean Bahamas - 3th Edition. New World Publications, Inc.